Tuesday 25 October 2011

The three c's

An executive in their late forties sat pondering. Looking back over their career, they wondered how although they had worked so hard, that at nearly 50 years of age, they had still not quite achieved their objectives that they had dreamed of and set when they were much younger.

As they sat, an elderly gentleman slowly approached them – time had taken its toll on him but he looked so content; and smiled. He put his arm around them and said, “I have lived my life. I am happy and content what is bothering you”?

The executive explained to him that as a teenager they had this idea to build an organisation that would one day be a happy environment where they would provide gainful employment for many. That they would produce a service that would ‘blow their customers minds’. Then the day would come where they would spend more quality time with the family, that they were blessed with; they thought too, of the day when they could celebrate their own children’s success and of the grandchildren that they might one day have the fun and privilege of playing with.

The gentleman beckoned the executive to stand up and to follow him towards a large shop which was called; “Legal, Decent, Honest and Truthful Limited”. As they approached the main door, the gentleman said; "this is my shop – Go in; I can guarantee that what you need is in stock at a price you can afford".

As they walked through the main foyer the executive looked along the wall and there were photographs and letters of appreciation from grateful customers. Together, they walked up to the counter and the executive explained to their new found friend exactly what they wanted.

The executeive explained that they wanted a business that will be successful, with good cash flow and a satisfied, growing clientele. A motivated and dedicated team that were ‘proud’ to belong to such an organisation.

The man stood in silence for a minute, then his voice dropped. “I am sorry” he whispered, “we don’t sell fruit; only seeds”.

He bent beneath the counter and as he stood up he handed over a small packet. He smiled and said in a loud and confident voice, “take these, sow them carefully. Sow these seeds into land which is rich with character, water daily with competence, and always tend with chemistry. Each year you will produce fruit that will satisfy”.

He continued; “However, each year I want you to give some of that fruit away; this will provide more room for growth and for an even stronger and, even sweeter crop – It is only in giving that we receive”.

As the executive awoke, he smiled contently - and began to plan. The success of tomorrow, depends on our planning today!

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